
Well, there it is. The end of Y: The Last Man. It now rests, upside down in the pile of comics I have recently read. It has been a long journey, and it is very sad to see things like this end. I looked forward to every month for this comic. This was my introduction to Brian K Vaughn and I will read anything he writes from here on out. Now I get to re-read this story for the (roughly) 5th time, but the beauty here is that I can finally read it all the way to the end.

60 issues. Collected in 10 volumes. Do yourself a favor and read (or re-read) this soon.

wburkert '08

working on a new design for my personal site. trying to cut down on the cluttered look of the current one as much as possible. this is a constant thing. one day this site will be 1x1 pixel thumbnails with no text and portfolio pieces that will scale as big as your monitor will allow. i just want a simple way to navigate work, and lightbox is not it anymore. also, having unique URLs for each page will help linking to pieces and sending URLs to friends/artdirectors/enemies.

here are a couple screen caps of the design as it stands now.

professional work category. simple nav. simple titles & info.

personal work category. stopped after 3 pieces, so the thumbnails on the left are all in their comp placeholder state.

and also...

all i can show (because this is all i have done!) of a sister site that will be designed/launched after my own is finished. pretty excited about it.

behance :: wow

was flipping around drawn earlier and came across this creative-oriented social networking site called

I quickly stumbled upon this page and was completely in awe of how awesome these things are.

the best and the second best:

i can't breathe with these words in my mouth

Decided that a way to produce more work would be to join in on these online competition things. A couple for shirts, one for skate decks. Plus working on some stickers/submissions for a local skate zine.

Sketched this at work the other day while the 24x36 inch poster I was finishing was saving. Came back in to work this morning and drew and colored it. This is for the shirt.woot weekly competition, this week's theme being "dreams". So I pieced together some of the usual suspects and floated them as I so typically do. They are always supposed to be dreamy, so I guess it fits.

Here it is along with how it would look on the shirt.

If you have ever bought anything from woot! (and you should check it daily), you can vote on this shirt. If it wins, you'll be able to buy it for $10 next week some time.

Here's a link to it on the site.

As of this posting, it is in 103rd place!

Also, since it has been sitting here incomplete forever, I decided to "finish" this in the spirit of dreams.

That is Martian Luther King. It's like Martin, but from Mars.

For today, that is all!

The Same Words, COMP

Here's a quick comp of a 2-Color Gocco Print I hope to be running this weekend. Just need to cut down a bunch of paper. Planned edition of 40. Black & Blue on Reeves BFK (or whatever I have in my studio). Roughly 5x7.

still going strong; xo, mom.

dear elliott,

at all times i wish you were still here.

xo to you.

Yo part 2

Scored a whole box of yopurplehearts shirts today. 44 in all.

2 quick pics, with my camera + its horrendous flash.

As my mac comes closer and closer to death, I wonder: a new macbook pro or an 8 core big daddy mac pro? oh computers.

the horse

finally getting back into productivity mode. here is another piece in a series of fog covered objects. i'm not sure if i'll do more. maybe if more objects present themselves as important. this piece has 5 titles. or, will have 5 titles once i pick the ones i want from this ever growing list.

we'll always have paris / debris / new achilles' heel