say my name like a guessing game

five names for the same thing.

click to make it bigger, obviously.

a narrative type thing i have been wanting to start for awhile. maybe i'll like it enough to continue.

graphite which was quickly/poorly colored. that's all i'll really say.

when scanned, it doesn't really look much like graphite.

it was my voice that moved the first rock

and i'd do it all again.

not too much to update on here. saw no country for old men. was good. had some ideas for drawings that i am acting on at the moment. also working on drawings for a website. lots of drawings, not lots of time.

here is a work in progress. really just the first sit down at this drawing. the hole will contain a house and yard and things. it's a reference to the mabinogion. it's a piece of an idea i've had jotted down forever, now combined with the shell stuff. i think lorna has quit on the collab before it even began. so on top of lots of drawings there will also have to be lots of coloring. this piece is currently on the backburner while i work on the website stuff and a couple new/fresh ideas. also a couple birthdays upcoming that should have drawings associated with them. and xmas is almost here too. and new years. anyways, here's the shell.

click on it to make it way bigger. i'm not sure if i'll ink this or not yet. but there will be more things added to it for sure. with computers.

shepard book. you can't kill the signal.

Artfarm had a pretty good turn out, and the screenprinting went better than I imagined it would. Neat.

While in Raleigh, there was a Wake County library sale. Everything must go. This was the last day of the sale when you could fill a box for $5 or fill a bag for $2. I filled a bag. In the mix:

The 1968 Rand McNally World Atlas "Imperial Edition". I like lines. Maps are covered in lines. Therefore, I like maps. My sketchbook has a few ideas for drawings involving maps of certain places. This will be nice to have.

Squiggly lines: Picked up a book called Arabic: Language Familiarization Course. It has many squiggy lines. Also Gregg Shorthand which is a very bizarre book of squiggles for every word in english in shorthand. Very strange. A Practical Guide to The Runes: Their uses in Divination in Magic. Runes are lines. Not squiggly ones, but still. The Experience of Nothingness. This has a cover of squiggly lines, but I was more interested in this inward thinking nothingness thing.

Great Adventures with National Geographic. I went in looking for National Geographics. I would have filled 2 boxes. Instead I stumbled about a hardcover book collecting different adventure trips the Nat.Geo. folks went on. Lots of neat architecture and stuff from other countries.

A Guide to Anatomy & Physiology Lab -- about 115 pages of black and white close ups of human bones, and macro photography of human skin and hair and blood and things. All kinds of patterns and things. Also some Bodies-esque stuff of arms and legs with the skin removed and the muscles exposed.

The best things I stumbled upon would have to be The Art of Dreaming and The Second Ring of Power, both by Carlos Castaneda. I had overheard a conversation about this author a few weeks ago but I could never recall his name or the titles of his books when I would return home. I even saw the conversation maker out at a show and asked him what they were but forgot again. Then while roaming the endless grid of tables at this sale, I saw The Second Ring of Power. It was just sitting there calling for me. I picked up the book thinking that the back cover would describe some crappy dork fest about power rings and things. But as I picked it up I noted the authors name and my memory flooded hard. It's like Carlos himself astral projected into my mind. I don't know if you are supposed to real these autobiographical tales of astral projection in any sort of order, or where these 2 fall into that order, but I am going to start one tonight. Hopefully they will be as cool as they sound.

post-its / you should be working 002

love space man. yellow post-it & ink.

post-its / you should be working 001

mobius snake king guy. purple post-it, ink & graphite.

E tea guy. yellow post-it & ink.

we're going to jump / the blank badge

I don't really believe in coincidence. I feel like the things you say and do are at some level related to things you have heard at some point in your life. If someone else does or says a similar thing as you, that makes sense. We all come from the same sea creature. All of our brains grew the same way. If the brain naturally gives you ideas and impulses, than I think it is safe to assume that someone else's brain is giving them the same ideas and impulses.

This tho, I thought was at least a happy occurance of thinking about things and then having those things reinforced moments later.

Yesterday I blogged about NYC in a post with lyrics from Across the Universe by the Beatles sprinkled throughout. Right after posting, I was very tired and decided to read before going to bed. I had started re-reading The Invisibles a couple weeks ago. Last night I wanted to read something that I had read before. I recalled re-starting the Invisibles. So I shuffled through the pile (huge) of comics on my nightstand. There was the Invisibles volume 1 with an envelope inside as a bookmark.

The Invisibles volume 1 is of course titled "Say You Want A Revolution." And in a portion I had read 2 weeks ago, King Mob summons up the Psychedelic God / Head - John Lennon. Anyways. The bit I was at last night was a bonus to the happy occurance because in it Tom O'Bedlam has a speach about cities and magic. Here it is:


When we met first I promised you a secret to keep in your pocket, didn't I? A fine and shiny secret, passed from hand to hand through the years, master to pupil.

Didn't I say I'd tell you what citites are? Listen, then, for I'll not tell it a second time.

Here it is as I was told it once, old but new-minted with each fresh telling. Our world is sick, boy. Very sick. A virus got in a long time ago and we've got so used to its effects, we've forgotten what it was like before we became ill. I'm talking about cities, see?

Human cultures were originally homeostatic; They existed in a self-sustaining equilibrium, with no notions of time and progress, like we've got. Then the city-virus got in. No one's really sure where it came from or who brought it to us, but like all viral organisms, its one directive is to use up all available resources in producing copies of itself.

More and more copies until there's no raw material left and the host body, overwhelmed, can only die. The cities want us to become good builders. Eventually, we'll build rockets and carry the virus to other worlds.

Cities have their own way of talking to you; Catch sight of the reflection of a neon sign and it'll spell out a magic word that summons strange dreams. Have you never seen the word 'IXAT' glowing in the night? That's one of the Holy names.

Or make tape recordings of traffic noise and listen to them at night. You'll hear the voices of the city coming through, telling you things, showing you pictures. Sometimes they'll show you where they came from.

In waking dreams I've seen cemetary planets circling abandoned stars. Like mausoleums, silent and dead, every building a headstone.

That's what cities do... But those of us who know the secret learn ways to unlock the power in cities. We make a pact with them and they give us gifts in return.


The city has its own gods and spirits; Electric-eyed car gods, funeral gods in the form of underground trains that burrow through the dark like old CROM-CRUACH, Lord Worm himself. And totem Animals too. If you want to be a sorcerer, you'll learn to honor these animals. Rats there are and pigeons. Invisible animals, see? They're overlooked and despised, like we are. Nobody sees their comings and goings.


And this part about minds:


Five fiends have been in poor Tom at once: of lust, as OBIDUCT; HOBBIDIDANCE, Prince of Dumbness; MAHU, of Stealing; MODO, of Murder; FLIBBERTIGGIBBET, of Mopping and Mowing. So many giants and deomns and always room for more in poor Tom's head.

Your head's like mine, like all our heads; Big enough to contain every God and devil there ever was. Big enough to hold the weight of oceans and the turning stars. Whole universes fit in there!

But what do we choose to keep in this miraculous cabinet? Little broken things, sad trinkets that we play with over and over. The world turns our key and we play the same little tune again and again and we think that tune's all we are.


Grant Morrison, man. Grant Morrison.

Jai guru deva

Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box;

I watched Perfume: The Story of a Murder on DVD the other night. Not as good as the book but the same story for sure. Just really smoothed over and simplified. Still some what interesting, I suppose.

Words and lines are spinning constantly inside and tho the trees provide the paper required, i can't bring myself to let the maps and drawings and letters be born. I can feel the source staring at me, right beyond the limits of my own eye's ability. I need glasses that focus inner vision.

I some what talked to a guy the other night about Astral Projection and he was telling me of a series of books that sounded like something I should read. But I don't recall the names or the subject matter. Something about a Journey into Exile I think, but the book I find while searching for that is nothing at all like what he was talking about.

Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns. It calls me on and on across the universe.

In my mind, in tales I tell myself as backstories for drawings that are never told or drawn, New York is some form of magical place where things that are unattainable thrive. Around the beginning of the end of the year they shine bright enough to summon unwise and wise men to leave gifts at the foot of the great building beasts. That time is near in this year. It is bringing new faces to its large apple of a heart and these faces will grow and prosper and bear fruit of their own. It's a place I could never see myself, unfortunately. But I know my friends and people that I consider extensions of myself will love it there. Enjoy it, Charles.

Nothings gonna change my world.


[never decide to type a blog without a topic ready]