i can't breathe with these words in my mouth

Decided that a way to produce more work would be to join in on these online competition things. A couple for shirts, one for skate decks. Plus working on some stickers/submissions for a local skate zine.

Sketched this at work the other day while the 24x36 inch poster I was finishing was saving. Came back in to work this morning and drew and colored it. This is for the shirt.woot weekly competition, this week's theme being "dreams". So I pieced together some of the usual suspects and floated them as I so typically do. They are always supposed to be dreamy, so I guess it fits.

Here it is along with how it would look on the shirt.

If you have ever bought anything from woot! (and you should check it daily), you can vote on this shirt. If it wins, you'll be able to buy it for $10 next week some time.

Here's a link to it on the site.


As of this posting, it is in 103rd place!

Also, since it has been sitting here incomplete forever, I decided to "finish" this in the spirit of dreams.

That is Martian Luther King. It's like Martin, but from Mars.

For today, that is all!
