the calm

sneak peek at my new site with work I haven't posted here or anywhere yet.

i'm sitting right on the brink of two pieces that i'm pretty excited about -- if they turn out how i picture them. i think they will. before or after that i will be drawing and submitting a handful of shirts to threadless. would like to have one picked and use the money for a new laptop as mine is a brick with a hard drive attached. i'm thinking this could happen. as long as i think it, than it can. it's like thought sigils.

the collaboration that the previous post was apart of is done. only 1 of the pieces got finished. there is a chance the others will get done in the future. until that time, i have an increased interest in coloring/finishing them myself. they are last in the queue.

hellboy library edition vol. 1 came in the mail this afternoon. pretty amped to reread those trades in a larger format + new sketch books and junk. i hope it includes the extra stuff from the trades as well so that i don't have to buy trades to go with my issues and hardcover. that would just be silly.

also: started clearing out my pack rat den of goodies. many things are getting thrown out. magazines i was keeping for some future rereading. junk. etc. for the big move i would like to have a small bundle of clothes, a new laptop, some drawing supplies, some comics and a little pile of cash.

i was going to say more tomorrow, but Lost is finally back. so, probably not.
