your blood.

This is my favorite bit...

...of this video... Ray Kurzweil, the singularitarian guy.

I can't wait.

I was talking with my roommate the other day about Netflix's instant queue. When they have all their discs on this service, it will be amazing. You can grab any movie you want off of "the cloud" and never have to own a DVD/BluRay/Whatever ever again. That just freed up a whole wall in your house if you are a big movie buyer. Did you really need that wall of DVDs anyways? When was the last time you watched half of those? They are just there.

Books are being scanned and I see a lot of Kindles on the subway. Comics are dabbling in digital releases. Movies can be grabbed from your xbox or computer. The PSP software is all downloads in their upcoming PSPGO. If the future of physical objects is that they will all be digital and you can access them anytime you want, then I can't wait. It's not like we sit down and go through old floppy discs to find things we are keeping as mementos.

If you have 100% less books/movies/magazines/objects, you can live in a smaller house. Or at least one that doesn't have an attic and garage and shed and spare room filled with stuff. You can no longer need massive malls or super stores. Everything you ever liked is in your pocket on a device that can also contact others. Or in your blood. With you forever.
