comic con: rant

When you visit New York City, you quickly learn that this is not a place were "dilly-dallying" is tolerated. If you walk slowly, people will huff and quickly pass you. If you stop quickly in the middle of a crowded walkway, you will be crushed. When you live here, even for 2 weeks, you learn to not be crushed.

For whatever reason, the convention center housing comic con and a 2 block radius around it in every direction is where this New York walking ends. EVERYONE IS SO SLOW! Or, just stopping right in the middle of the sidewalk to look at their phone or something. When you are inside Comic Con itself, it's far worse. There's a lot to look at there. I understand that. Booths full of comics, movie trailers, video games, and robots. People in costumes, people with swords, people in even bigger costumes, etc. It's pretty easy to be walking, see a person in a costume, make note of it between you and your friend, all while continuing to walk. There's no need to stop, stare, wait in a little crowd of people who all want their photo taken with "Guy in a pretty good Snake Eyes costume", "Awesome Imperium dude in awesome Imperium armor", or "Female in any sort of outfit that reveals a hint of her leg or chest".

Maybe it's just the fact that this was my first comic con, but if this is how it goes every year, then I don't know about going very often. I was able to deal with the crowds. But the crowds with random people lingering right in the center of the crowd is completely infuriating. I get it, she's a semi attractive girl in a semi well-crafted Naruto outfit. So what?

Other than that tho...what an overwhelming, yet good time.
