
Remember when I had more posts in January than there were days? That was nice. I wish I had that happening right now in February. Need to catch up.

Tonight is a full plate:

Brian Lee O'Malley will be at the comic shop I go to, selling & signing copies of the new Scott Pilgrim. Gonna check this out with Lex.

Totally J/K, 3rd week in a row. This was surprisingly funny last week, so...fingers crossed.

• My bookmarks bar & menu fills up quickly with random things that I like and want to look at again or share. When that started to annoy me, I began emailing myself all the links I liked in hopes that I would come back to them. It was such a headache though, having 100+ emails full of random URLs. So, I started a delicious account and have thrown a couple CSS links up there for Dan. With the tagging, I hope to completely organize my bookmarking, and no longer have a bloated inbox, bookmark menu, and desk covered in post-its.
