Lost – Season 5, Episode 12

Dead is dead, an episode with Locke & the present day Ajira crash survivors. I am glad I don't get to see the previews for these, because I heard this one deals with some interesting things which I want to be surprises.

spoils of war

– I'd like to be the "Previously on..." voice for a show one day in the future.

– Let's say you crashed on to an island, and a guy was walking around saying he had been killed, and then he shows you the man that killed him that was also on the plane. That'd be weird right?

– Is that Charles Whidmore?

– Charles is higher up than the ageless Richard? That seems bizarre.

– I bet there's a deleted scene where Ben shits in his pants right here. Lots and lots.

– "We don't even have a word for it", but on the secret map on the secret door accessed by the secret button in the Swan station, it is called "Cerberus". Also it is pure smoke, why wouldn't they call it Smokey? Or Smokington? Or Cancerman?

– Oh Ben...this is nasty trickery. Getting Locke killed a second time?

– Hm. Tell me more about these whispers.

– Written by BKV! Always a good sign for a good episode.

– Believable argument on killing Locke. That's what we saw. Could Ben not be a lier, in fact?

– Oh man. Are we gonna get to see this judging?

– What? Really? That was Caesar's purpose? He was this mysterious figure and he's only there to slightly stop them from taking the boat, and then get blasted apart? Sure, Ben just lived through being shot by a professional assassin, so maybe anything can happen? Buck shot doesn't really tear apart your innards or anything. It wasn't made to do that at all.

– Was that a young Mr. Friendly next to Richard?

– This is going to be Sun or someone in the room, not Alex...oooh, Risk.

– Hahahaha. God it would be weird to be Sun or Frank right now. They haven't seen a lot of the strangeness that the other characters have...so an undead John Locke would be earth shattering.

– The magic box? They had better show this. After all this time..

– So it was a toilet.

– I wonder if John and Christian can be in the same place together. They seem like they are part of the same island magics, so I wonder if they would interfere with each other.

– Temple stuff too? Let's go all out this week, Lost.

– I take it Frank went back?

– There have been a lot of interesting Ben flashbacks. Oh, well here's the one I was just about to ask about. Penny and Desmond beating him up at the marina?

– "Our Mutual Friend" is the boat name?

– Ben shouldn't remember this temple. He can't remember his friends in the Dharma initiative..unless someone told him that he was healed here.

– I hope the temple itself is the magic box. Some sort of time travelling machine. Or a holy grail. Or the number 42. All these things layered together into some sort of shifting something that we don't understand.

– Didn't look like the bullet went in to Des at all...He had lead groceries.

– Here comes Des, right?

– Nice.

– According to this commercial, ABC is trying another Cops in NY with 70's moustaches show, only this time it doesn't look like it has time travel...instead it has...a guy getting killed by the F train? The Unusuals? Will they be like the BPRD and fight monsters and bust ghosts and things? When they had to cancel Life on Mars, they figured this was the perfect follow-up move? Well...it stars Micheal, so maybe I'll check it out. (ABC commercial break)

– Hm. This girl character has all of the sudden become mysterious and interesting. What lies in the shadow of the statue?

– Just because Ben is going alone doesn't mean they don't have to show this to us.

– Will wait for the HD screen cap of those hieroglyphs to be translated.

– This is kind of nuts. It's like Harry Potter.

– Ghost Alex rules!

– So smokey can show you your memories and then manifest them and make them threaten you...or kill you. Is there another vent for this monster to come from? Cause they just accidentally fell through the floor into its' room...

– Weakest cliffhanger yet.
