Lost – Season 5, Episode 13

Some Like it Hoth. It seems like a funny Star Wars reference but I'm fairly certain it is a cute way of hiding that fact that this episode is about Thoth, and maybe some of the egyptian mythology of this show. Here's hoping.

some like it spoiled

– Young Miles?

– Kid looks like miles, so that's a good casting.

– The ditch had a gun.

– The deal was no questions asked, and so of course Miles asked questions. And also is going to talk to the dead guy...

– I wonder how Miles' abilities work. Can he hear all the dead Dharma people? All the dead previous island inhabitants? The dead possible Egyptians?

– There's a Honda commercial on the ABC player where they are treating the rumble strips on the side of the road as data files and are attempting to plan out the bumps so that when you drive over them, they play the William Tell Overture instead of the "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmm" noises. This is pretty awesome. I haven't "click to continue"d and I won't while they keep showing these making of videos. Very interesting.

– That was cool. It didn't sound like the song, but still.

– Hah, teen/punk Miles with an upside down "1" on his hoodie. Cool dude. With a name like Miles Straum, I bet he was in a band.

– Your dad has been dead "a long time"... How long, I wonder? Thousands of years? And his body is on the island? Miles has been playing it cool and calm for a really long time if he's hear to learn about his dead dad. Hasn't mentioned it or tried to break away to find it, or anything...

– Whoa. The Dharma school logo is cool too. I hope they release official versions of all these at some point.

– What is Miles doing? He knows its the dead guy. You can't let Hurley into that circle of trust...

– Awesome magnetic forces! Unprotected Swan station.

– That's a good point, Hurley. The dead people connection is pretty interesting.

– That's it? That's $500? "Yeah, your son loved you." Bang, pay me.

– I could kick a football over them mountains.

– Do we get to see Daniel here?

– I imagine that the "Turd Weigher" Dharma logo has got to be amazing.

– Glad they finally went out and said that Hallowax is Miles' dad. But...I dunno. Miles is meeting his dad before Miles is like a year old (or born yet? I can't remember when the flashback from earlier this year of him being born was...). How...oh, my nose is bleeding.

– Bummer, ABC minimizes the screen when you pause. I wanted to read what Jack was cleaning off the board...which was about Egypt.

– Wasn't there a guy in the loony-bin with Hurley that told him those numbers? Did he ever turn out to be anyone?

– Who are these Shadow seeker people? A third faction of island hunters? Ben's people? 3.2 Million.

– Hahahahaha. Please tell me that Hurley wrote Empire.

– What a hilarious plot line for Hurley.

– So I guess this episode isn't about Egptians at all. It's actually about Hoth. They teach you, over 4 previous seasons, to think about these show titles. And then they go and just make this one about Hoth? I like it, but I'm allowed to be bummed, right?

– Hahahah. Star Wars and Lost. This show is amazing. Ewoks suck, dude.

– YES! Daniel is back. I can't wait for the episode with him. Yes yes yes.
