Alphabet Post-Its

I missed out on posting yesterday because I was watching Lord of the Rings with Ben from Masked Bandits. A thousand pardons.

Nothing too exciting to post about -- New Harry Potter book tomorrow as well as the first in a hopefully weekly series of comic strips taking place in the PFS universe. It will be a part of the "Saturday Morning Revival" by my pal Deric (link) so watch for it tomorrow. I'll post it here too, but there may be some other good strips on there to read. Not to spoil anything, but I'm excited for the first handful of strips.

I am also working on some Nonogram/Picross puzzles to go along with the comics. The first one won't be ready for tomorrow because I still have to type out all the rules for poeple that don't know how to do them. But there will be the 1st in a series next week and probably one every saturday after that. Hopefully.

Anyways, here are some PFS post-it notes that I did at work while bored. While scanning these I thought that a PFS Alphabet book would be interesting. We'll see if I do 26 of these.

1. A is for Avast (Random PFS Pirate)

2. B is for Bite (The Vampire Cactus)

3. P is for Pwn (The star of the show, Tonight the Gnome Wizard)

A-blee-a-blee-a-bleee; That's all folks.
