
Yesterday I came home from work and "wrote", drew, inked and lettered the second strip in the grande adventures of the prettyfishessatellite gang. Tonight I laid down the colors for about 60% of it. I like saying laid down the colors because it makes it sound like I'm doing a lot more then simple masks in photoshop. And I also use " " around wrote because I would never really call what I do for this strip "writing." It is barely planned in advance, which is the way I have always done pfs/mzt* (*what pfs was a few years ago...maybe i'll post those wretched strips here some time). Anyways. Whatever. I may or may not put the second one up here earlier then saturday...I like that they have a set release date but I also kind of need more stuff to blog about.

I read this article before leaving work today. It is really really interesting. I wish I could eat these guys' brains and know what they know.

Also read that Alan Moore will be on an upcoming episode of the Simpsons. That's exciting.

I'm am about 230 pages away from the end of Harry Potter/Deathly Hallows. It has been great thus far, and hopefully the spoiled ending I was told isn't actually the real ending.

It's dark and hell is hot.
