Phase Two

1. Tonight I began what I will call "Phase Two" of my attempt at getting freelance work. This phase consists of creating a postcard image and making postcards to mail out. Some magazines don't like envelopes. So they just want postcards. Well, I can bend to that. The image has been sitting around my "studio" waiting to be drawn and tonight was the night. I worked out all the kinks I could catch and finished the drawing/inking portions. Next will be color and back design...I'll hopefully have it to the printers a week from today. I've got to finish Prettyfishessatellite003 before I work on this card. I seem to have lost all of my square grids I printed tho. Rats.

2. Finished up Harry Potter on Saturday. It wasn't the ending I was hoping for but it was an ending all right. Now we sit and wait for 2 more movies and the Harry Potter chapter of the boring book of my life can be finished. Sadly upon finishing the book I no longer care about the Harry Potter blog I was going to start/run. If you are unfamiliar with Harry Potter (shame on you) then know this: Harry Potter is called "The Boy Who Lived" because he lived through a direct attack from the super villian Voldemort. The 7 books chronicle Harry's time in Wizard school, ending at the age when he would enter Muggle (regular dude) college if he were a muggle (or real). So the idea for the blog was as follows: Harry Potter now finished with wizarding school decides to go to Muggle college where no one knows about him. The blog would be written by his roommate. It would be called "The boy who lived with The Boy Who Lived". Posts would describe Harry ordering a Whopper but when he sit down to eat he has a double Whopper. But the roommate shrugs it off constantly. There it is. HardeeHarHar.

3. Warren Ellis is taking all of my money. More on that as time and money permits.
