A Love Letter

My laptop lives a strange life. This evening I hooked it up in my kitchen so that I could surf and gather notes and things while I watched a pot of water. Maybe it was just the power in the other room, but it is actually staying powered this time. Altho, for whatever reason, it won't charge past 87% of its battery. That's OK.

I was cleaning out my bookmarks and RSS feeds that had died or were no longer of interest and I came across one called DVR DV5. I wasn't sure what it was, and so I clicked it. Turns out, that's my TiVo on my network. So I downloaded the Mac TiVo Desktop app and found that I could stream my iTunes library to my television. That is really really awesome to me, as my computer doesn't seem happy when iTunes and Photoshop are running together. And I really have to hear sounds while I work or else it goes slower.

So, I love TiVo. I loved it when it just taped shows. Then I loved it more when it let me download select music videos and reoccurring Adult Swim shorts (Professor Bros, mainly). Now I love it again for letting me listen to my dust-covered iTunes on my TV. If this laptop could accept and read CD/DVDs than I would be in a higher state of bliss – but this older music will do just fine.


Been pretty slack on doing work lately. It is a problem I am trying to fix right this moment. I need to get that website up like crazy.

Back to drawing and listening to the Goatrider's Horde on my TV. Yay.
