
The current HD movement in both TV and Movies is something I care nothing about. It doesn't bother me to see Ben Linus slightly pixelated or not crisp or anything like this. But tonight, an HD only channel finally made an appealing claim. The channel was HD Movies, which I don't have as I don't have cable or an HD TV -- but Hani does. Tonight they were doing a "Sneak Peek" of the documentary "Surfwise" which I have been very interested in seeing. As far as I know it hasn't even come out in theaters, let alone DVD or premium cable channels. So, this was a plus.

I should just look it up real fast on Amazon or something to see when it drops, but my kettle is whistling. Anyways, however you can see this movie, you really should. The idea and premise are both very interesting and I think that Doc Paskowitz has the perfect mindset on his life. Maybe not so much on his children in the current world, but still.

