Real D!

roamed the city with a visiting friend yesterday. had 3 hours to kill before we were actually supposed to be somewhere and our legs were dead from walking. so we popped in to see Coraline 3D. When I say 3D, I don't mean red/blue. I mean REAL D!:

the side of those glasses claims they are "real D". I was just glad that they fit so nicely over my own 3-D glasses.

Also, this movie was pretty awesome. I love that Neil Gaiman is getting his work out there (stardust, coraline) and that it is successful. Each film sneaks in a bit of magic/fantasy just because, and I hope that he keeps at it. Eventually we'll all be so accepting of magic/fantasy in the real world, or just because, that they'll do a 10-movie Sandman series. Then we can all stop watching movies after that. It will end cinema.
