I picked up Halo 3 today at lunch and they carded me. I'm pretty glad that stores are enforcing video game ratings. If a young kid buys the game and his parent's get pissed at the violence then it should be the store or the parent's fault. Not the game's.
This makes me recall an older rant/question I had -- why do toy stores sell toys from R rated movies? It never made much sense to me. If it's a comic or specialty shop or something like this, I can understand. But when T-1000 is hanging on a shelf next to Power Rangers or even R2-D2 it seems to me to cheapen the rating system. I'm tired so the reasoning on this one may not be so sound.
New TV Shows started over the weekend. I caught a couple and here's my thoughts:
The Simpsons: The intro to this episode continued where the movie left off and that was very pleasing. But that was really the end of the good for season 19(?)'s premiere. Stephen Colbert was completely pointless and throw-away. I'll be looking forward to the Alan Moore episode but I don't have any hopes for this show anymore.
Family Guy: The Star Wars episode. This was actually pretty good. I am a pretty big Star Wars / A New Hope fan tho, so I may be biased. Especially nice to see Family Guy breaking from their "do you remember when this happened?" jokes which are followed by "wacky", "crazy" and "original" ideas. Family Guy jokes have the same problem as Adult Swim programs: They rely too much on random craziness and not enough on things that are actually funny. Random craziness was good when Adult Swim first started. I think it's time for a change in their concepts.
Chuck: I couldn't watch more than 10 minutes of this. I knew the plot coming into it and I was still confused by some of the things they were showing me. Also, setting a show in Best Buy is pretty dumb too.
The Big Bang Theory: A laugh track and Darlene's boyfriend from Rosanne. I actually watched all of this I think, but I'm not really sure why. The two geeks are actually geeks and not the TV version of geeks (TV geeks read comics or like computers or like general science and math, these geeks get really into physics and things). The jokes weren't very funny, but I'll give it a second chance at least.
Kid Nation: Kids are idiots. Especially these kids. There are one or two kids on here that have the traits of kids that I actually like: funny/insane comments that only make sense in a kid's mind. But the majority of these kids are just know it all punks. And they can't make Mac & Chee worth a damn. The gold star buisness is stupid. Running stores and having "servants" is stupid. At least the kids were smart and chose 7 more toilets instead of a TV. I can't wait til the episode where they all drink bleach.
Heroes: What should have started with a bang (and also ended with a bang last season)started with me wanting to change the channel constantly. There were "limited" commercials but I don't know what they were limiting. There were still a ton of commercials. This episode of Heroes failed because it followed lame characters. Matt Parkman is boring as hell. His character is lame, his job is lame and he doesn't use his powers for anything then being lame. I like the girl he is keeping, but mostly only her power and not so much her sassyness. They also follow Nathan Petrelli who now has a beard to show that he is a drunk and is sad. He sucks. Claire the Cheerleader sucks. Her family is boring. The flying boy from her school is annoying. What used to be my favorite parts (Hiro and Ando)were also killed. Hiro is in Ancient Japan and his hero is a completely lame character that was probably supposed to be in A Knight's Tale. And in the current timeline, Ando is stuck with Hiro's dad who has somehow vanished after falling off a building with some sort of ninja assassin. Everyone on the show talks vague about every thing on the show. How do people actually live in this world? Kristen Bell's character had better be more then just her pretty face.
I Tivo'd some other things that I have yet to check out (Journeyman, Reaper, Bionic Woman) but I don't have very high hopes. I'm really looking forward to 30 Rock (w/ Seinfeld!) and the Office (might be boring!)but that's probably it until LOST starts back. Horrible shows will give me a chance to catch up on Battlestar Galactica and to rewatch Oz.
Supposedly the new Wes Anderson short (prequel-ish to the Darjeeling Limited)will be on iTunes tomorrow (actually today, but w/ev). This is exciting because I doubt that Greenville will be one of the limited cities to get the film.
I had planned to scan in a bunch of sketches and doodles and being a "While You Should Have Been Working" drawings series, but I got a secret message about a suprise birthday dinner at Tokyo that I couldn't pass up. And now I am way too full because I thought it would be a good idea to add another roll to my 1 roll & Soba combo that already gets me pretty full. The last time I was there someone had left over Gray's Roll, so I tried some. I really liked it (or at least, didn't hate it like I do most sea based sushis.) Gray's roll is Deep Fried Eel with Cream Cheese and Avacado. So I added that to my meal and then traded half of it with Eva for half of her order of Gyoza (Fried Pork Dumplings). This was too much food. I have like half a thing of Soba in my fridge that at this moment I really don't want to think about.
And to top it off since it was a birthday party they brought Tempura Cheesecake and a Tempura Banana. I only had a small piece of each but let me tell you this: Hot Bananas are really nasty.
Other then a feast it was a pretty normal day. We had a spur of the moment photoshoot for a website I am coding. That was interesting. Lots of people in our office and lots of outfit changes.
This is the main highlight of my day tho. This is a video of Grant Morrison speaking about magic during a Disinformation seminar. It's pretty interesting and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all day. Turning dreams/desires into real-life changing things is really cool to me. So anyways.
Hope you can understand most of that through his thick accent. I like the bits near the end when he talks about how we will soon live in McDonalds and how rich people don't spend money. His brain is strange and lovely.
And to top it off since it was a birthday party they brought Tempura Cheesecake and a Tempura Banana. I only had a small piece of each but let me tell you this: Hot Bananas are really nasty.
Other then a feast it was a pretty normal day. We had a spur of the moment photoshoot for a website I am coding. That was interesting. Lots of people in our office and lots of outfit changes.
This is the main highlight of my day tho. This is a video of Grant Morrison speaking about magic during a Disinformation seminar. It's pretty interesting and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all day. Turning dreams/desires into real-life changing things is really cool to me. So anyways.
Hope you can understand most of that through his thick accent. I like the bits near the end when he talks about how we will soon live in McDonalds and how rich people don't spend money. His brain is strange and lovely.
9/19/2007 09:36:00 PM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
64 bits.
1. In 1964 on a television near you there were 2 shows based on monster families. You had your Addams Family and your Munsters. I have a tough time chosing a favorite between the two. At work the other day I confused them as being one show in my head and was trying to figure out why a family with the last name of "Addams" would be on a show called the Munsters. Anyways, it dawned on me at that moment that it was very strange that in 1964 television had 2 shows about monsters that were civilized. How could this happen? Did people really like monsters that much back then? How can we make it so reality tv shows and law firm shows and mtv movie awards are replaced with a show about monsters?
If you look at TV, there are a lot of strange people based in reality shows. You've got Heroes, Supernatural, Kyle XY, Lost to a certain extent, etc etc. I think that maybe these, and the re-makes of Battlestar Galactica & Bionic Woman could maybe lead to a revival of either the Munsters or the Addams. I think the Munsters would be better as they didn't have 2 movies staring Raul Julia whom no one would want to replace.
There's also a chance that the almost Munsters-esque sure to be piece of trash Caveman show will ruin any chance of more physically freakish people having their own shows. Sorry Rosie O'Donnell. Sorry Dane Cook. The Cavemen are going to ruin your careers more then you ever could.
2. Sitting in a resturant and eating by myself is not something I am bothered by but I guess it bothered Hani. He called me and when I told him I had just ordered food and was eating alone he dashed over quickly to sit and eat too. Maybe he was hungry or maybe he's just a nice guy deep down underneath that black soul of his. Probably just hungry.
3. Picked up Death Proof today at Best Buy. They had the normal edition or the Best Buy only 3 disc edition which came in a metal box thing. I really hate DVDs that don't come in either the standard plastic DVD case or the newer box-set style cardboard sleeve thing with DVDs somehow attached to a case thing that slides in/out. Stange plastic Simpsons heads are stupid. Metal tins are stupid. Gimmick-ish packaging like the Strangers with Candy notebook shaped DVD sets are stupid. Just make something in a standardized shape that fits on my shelf of DVDs.
4. More then strange DVDs and Cavemen, I hate Chuck Norris related jokes and Nic Cage's face. That is all.
If you look at TV, there are a lot of strange people based in reality shows. You've got Heroes, Supernatural, Kyle XY, Lost to a certain extent, etc etc. I think that maybe these, and the re-makes of Battlestar Galactica & Bionic Woman could maybe lead to a revival of either the Munsters or the Addams. I think the Munsters would be better as they didn't have 2 movies staring Raul Julia whom no one would want to replace.
There's also a chance that the almost Munsters-esque sure to be piece of trash Caveman show will ruin any chance of more physically freakish people having their own shows. Sorry Rosie O'Donnell. Sorry Dane Cook. The Cavemen are going to ruin your careers more then you ever could.
2. Sitting in a resturant and eating by myself is not something I am bothered by but I guess it bothered Hani. He called me and when I told him I had just ordered food and was eating alone he dashed over quickly to sit and eat too. Maybe he was hungry or maybe he's just a nice guy deep down underneath that black soul of his. Probably just hungry.
3. Picked up Death Proof today at Best Buy. They had the normal edition or the Best Buy only 3 disc edition which came in a metal box thing. I really hate DVDs that don't come in either the standard plastic DVD case or the newer box-set style cardboard sleeve thing with DVDs somehow attached to a case thing that slides in/out. Stange plastic Simpsons heads are stupid. Metal tins are stupid. Gimmick-ish packaging like the Strangers with Candy notebook shaped DVD sets are stupid. Just make something in a standardized shape that fits on my shelf of DVDs.
4. More then strange DVDs and Cavemen, I hate Chuck Norris related jokes and Nic Cage's face. That is all.
9/18/2007 08:01:00 PM | Filed Under | 3 Comments
Sally sells.
In case you missed how harmoniously yesterday's post's topics worked out let me clarify. BioShock is a game that takes place in an alternate 1960's where steam powers high tech machinery. This is a common theme for nerd-worlds and goes by the phrase "Steampunk". At the same time, Half-Life 2 which takes place in a modern/futuristic world is delivered online via an application called Steam. So it worked out that I was playing these two games over the weekend. Sometimes the planets just align in a perfect obtuse angle.
Anyways - Onward.
1. I played Frisbee golf with one of my bosses on Sunday for the first time in a couple months. I saw a guy there that used to live on my hall in the dorms. He had an adorable little 2 month old puppy that was about the size of my hand. What irked me about this puppy was its name: Jango. Now, this guy was a somewhat nerd who read comics and liked star wars but didn't mention it to anyone. He was undercover. But no matter how little nerd you have in you, you know that Jango Fett is a poor excuse for Boba Fett. Sure, Boba is Jango's clone. Sure so it every Stormtrooper in the universe. But still. Boba did it first and better and first. That's it. Now, my boss tried to explain to me that here in NC and elsewhere people may miss hear "Boba" as "Bubba" and that wasn't a good name for a dog. I guess this makes sense, but still. Name your dog Bossk or Zuckus. Don't name it after something from the new trilogy.
2. Started in on Baltimore or The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire by Mike Mignola/Christopher Golden. I hope it's good, but I have a lot of faith in M.Mignola. Christopher Golden is the guy that has been in charge of all the Hellboy Novels, which I haven't read, so I'm sure he's an alright fit with Mike. I hope so. This novel also has Mignola illustrations throughout which are like candy surrounded by paragraphs and punctuation.
3. I'm no good about talking about the ideas behind my drawings. I always think it sounds silly/lame/whatever so I try to let them speak on their own and let people take them as they will. But I started this blog in order to try and be able to write/talk about myself and what I like and that kind of thing, so I'm going to give this a shot with a rough outline.
A. Shells can hold the sound of the ocean. This is neat, and a couple years ago the thought came to me that in a story of some form a character should tell his story/memories/things to a shell and then once he is gone from this world, the shell will be a place to hear his tale/memories/things. I still think this is a neat idea.
B. In the past few months I have found my memory to have taken a massive step backwards. I used to be pretty good at remembering minor events or little phrases and things that I could respawn into real life at any time. This doesn't happen much any more. I forget a lot of things and major chunks of my memory can't be recalled. As I said in a previous post, supposedly your brain never actually forgets things so there's possibly hope. But at the moment, I've got a dim light on in the attic and all the places where the bulb doesn't shine are gone.
C. Apart from my immediate family (Mom, Dad, Brother) I feel as if I have no real blood relatives. For whatever reasons (Passing away, family ties, memory issues) there arn't any other blood people in my life. Like somehow the Burkerts just started one generation before my brother and I.
So this is the combination of these things. Originally the people (relatives) would be part of word balloon type things coming from the shell, but I didn't really like it in the comp I was working on tonight, so I scrapped it for coupon clipping dotted lines. Clip and Save your favorite/lost memories. Stick them into a shell and return to them as you need them. You'll never forget when it's locked in time in a shell or a song or a sketch. I will be bringing this to New Hill, NC this weekend to see what Lorna Wang can do with it as far as color. The gray here is just to differentiate the shell from the rest of the drawing since it's hard to distinguish between the different linework. This is 11x17 in person, but much smaller here.

Click for a larger view.
That's it for tonight. Enjoy.
Anyways - Onward.
1. I played Frisbee golf with one of my bosses on Sunday for the first time in a couple months. I saw a guy there that used to live on my hall in the dorms. He had an adorable little 2 month old puppy that was about the size of my hand. What irked me about this puppy was its name: Jango. Now, this guy was a somewhat nerd who read comics and liked star wars but didn't mention it to anyone. He was undercover. But no matter how little nerd you have in you, you know that Jango Fett is a poor excuse for Boba Fett. Sure, Boba is Jango's clone. Sure so it every Stormtrooper in the universe. But still. Boba did it first and better and first. That's it. Now, my boss tried to explain to me that here in NC and elsewhere people may miss hear "Boba" as "Bubba" and that wasn't a good name for a dog. I guess this makes sense, but still. Name your dog Bossk or Zuckus. Don't name it after something from the new trilogy.
2. Started in on Baltimore or The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire by Mike Mignola/Christopher Golden. I hope it's good, but I have a lot of faith in M.Mignola. Christopher Golden is the guy that has been in charge of all the Hellboy Novels, which I haven't read, so I'm sure he's an alright fit with Mike. I hope so. This novel also has Mignola illustrations throughout which are like candy surrounded by paragraphs and punctuation.
3. I'm no good about talking about the ideas behind my drawings. I always think it sounds silly/lame/whatever so I try to let them speak on their own and let people take them as they will. But I started this blog in order to try and be able to write/talk about myself and what I like and that kind of thing, so I'm going to give this a shot with a rough outline.
A. Shells can hold the sound of the ocean. This is neat, and a couple years ago the thought came to me that in a story of some form a character should tell his story/memories/things to a shell and then once he is gone from this world, the shell will be a place to hear his tale/memories/things. I still think this is a neat idea.
B. In the past few months I have found my memory to have taken a massive step backwards. I used to be pretty good at remembering minor events or little phrases and things that I could respawn into real life at any time. This doesn't happen much any more. I forget a lot of things and major chunks of my memory can't be recalled. As I said in a previous post, supposedly your brain never actually forgets things so there's possibly hope. But at the moment, I've got a dim light on in the attic and all the places where the bulb doesn't shine are gone.
C. Apart from my immediate family (Mom, Dad, Brother) I feel as if I have no real blood relatives. For whatever reasons (Passing away, family ties, memory issues) there arn't any other blood people in my life. Like somehow the Burkerts just started one generation before my brother and I.
So this is the combination of these things. Originally the people (relatives) would be part of word balloon type things coming from the shell, but I didn't really like it in the comp I was working on tonight, so I scrapped it for coupon clipping dotted lines. Clip and Save your favorite/lost memories. Stick them into a shell and return to them as you need them. You'll never forget when it's locked in time in a shell or a song or a sketch. I will be bringing this to New Hill, NC this weekend to see what Lorna Wang can do with it as far as color. The gray here is just to differentiate the shell from the rest of the drawing since it's hard to distinguish between the different linework. This is 11x17 in person, but much smaller here.

Click for a larger view.
That's it for tonight. Enjoy.
9/17/2007 10:31:00 PM | Filed Under | 3 Comments
Steam, punk.
Nothing all that great or interesting happened last week. On Wednesday I had said something at work that I thought would make a good post. Maybe it wouldn't have, but I guess I'll save it for one day this week when there is a lull. I have atleast 3 days worth of junk at the moment, so this should be back to the full weeks of boring dretch.
Speaking of dretch -- I picked up 30 Rock season 1 on DVD the other day. Tina Fey could probably write about garbagemen and make it funny. (Rachel Dratch = Dretch. It's a stretch. Like her...acting?)
1. Excited tonight to find out that my old buddy and almost same-birthday'd red headed pal Bret has moved to Raleigh. That's exciting. That's why I was excited.
2. Finished Bioshock over the weekend. I saved all of the little sisters (instead of harvesting their bellies for tasty Adam) so the ending was an upbeat one. I'm interested to find out what happens if you do end all of their little lives.
3. Borrowed skate. for a day from Hani. More fun then the demo. And the demo was a lot of fun. I uploaded a bunch of videos to the skate website, but I'm having trouble seeing them online. They probably arn't as cool as I remember them being when I made them. I like this game and I still may pick it up (buy at Target this week and get a $10 gift card. Nice.) but at the moment it was overwhelming the amount of stuff you could do. I also feel like a Nintendo traitor for not having Metroid Prime 3 yet. I almost bought it today, but I want to go ahead and replay Prime 1 & 2 before hand. This is probably not necessary, but I still wanna.
4. Re-finished Half-Life 2 today and finally started HL2: Episode 1. Getting prepped for The Orange Box. Half-Life 2 is pretty much the best FPS I have ever played. It brought Havok Physics into everyone's lives and that's been a great addition to most games that used it. Also, I think you can tell great level design when you feel like you are exploring off the beaten path and it's actually the way the developers wanted you to go. They don't force feed you where you need to go next with arrows and things - they trust that you are smart and curious enough to look around and try things and think: maybe I can jump over here. It's very intuitive and you feel really smart when you do what they wanted you to do.
5. Finished Crooked Little Vein when I woke up this morning. A very disturbing but interesting read. I hope that the Mike McGill character has further adventures. He could be like the new Cal McDonald.
6. While talking to Bret this evening, I came up with this joke. I ran it by Brantley and he laughed, so I think that it's a keeper. This is Joke #1 in my stand-up routine that I am too shy to ever do -- If you are eating at an Indian Resturant and you call ahead to get a table, did you make an Indian Reservation? Badump-pishh.
That's all for now. Leave some stuff for the rest of the days.
Speaking of dretch -- I picked up 30 Rock season 1 on DVD the other day. Tina Fey could probably write about garbagemen and make it funny. (Rachel Dratch = Dretch. It's a stretch. Like her...acting?)
1. Excited tonight to find out that my old buddy and almost same-birthday'd red headed pal Bret has moved to Raleigh. That's exciting. That's why I was excited.
2. Finished Bioshock over the weekend. I saved all of the little sisters (instead of harvesting their bellies for tasty Adam) so the ending was an upbeat one. I'm interested to find out what happens if you do end all of their little lives.
3. Borrowed skate. for a day from Hani. More fun then the demo. And the demo was a lot of fun. I uploaded a bunch of videos to the skate website, but I'm having trouble seeing them online. They probably arn't as cool as I remember them being when I made them. I like this game and I still may pick it up (buy at Target this week and get a $10 gift card. Nice.) but at the moment it was overwhelming the amount of stuff you could do. I also feel like a Nintendo traitor for not having Metroid Prime 3 yet. I almost bought it today, but I want to go ahead and replay Prime 1 & 2 before hand. This is probably not necessary, but I still wanna.
4. Re-finished Half-Life 2 today and finally started HL2: Episode 1. Getting prepped for The Orange Box. Half-Life 2 is pretty much the best FPS I have ever played. It brought Havok Physics into everyone's lives and that's been a great addition to most games that used it. Also, I think you can tell great level design when you feel like you are exploring off the beaten path and it's actually the way the developers wanted you to go. They don't force feed you where you need to go next with arrows and things - they trust that you are smart and curious enough to look around and try things and think: maybe I can jump over here. It's very intuitive and you feel really smart when you do what they wanted you to do.
5. Finished Crooked Little Vein when I woke up this morning. A very disturbing but interesting read. I hope that the Mike McGill character has further adventures. He could be like the new Cal McDonald.
6. While talking to Bret this evening, I came up with this joke. I ran it by Brantley and he laughed, so I think that it's a keeper. This is Joke #1 in my stand-up routine that I am too shy to ever do -- If you are eating at an Indian Resturant and you call ahead to get a table, did you make an Indian Reservation? Badump-pishh.
That's all for now. Leave some stuff for the rest of the days.
9/16/2007 11:11:00 PM | Filed Under | 2 Comments
Pizza Dog
1. Just finished a drawing for a down/dirty/quick/simple heat transfer t for a friend. It's for their birthday and if I have forgotten yours and/or not pulled together a gift yet then I'm really sorry. I'll come up with something. I had a bad August when it came to memory. Anyways, I'll post the drawing next week. It's kinda nice I think.
2. Speaking of memory: I was reading that the human brain can't actually forget anything. If this is actually true then I am very interested. I really need some sort of way to re-tap into my memory and make it useful again. Was reading on the wikipedia for "Chewing Gum" (don't ask) today that memory is stronger in gum chewers. I need to re-take up this habit I guess. Sugar free tho', not the cat pee kind. Unless that's sugar free. Have you had the mint mohito gum? It's pretty tasty.
3. I'm about 10 chapters into "Crooked Little Vein" by Warren Ellis. So far it's really good. It's about this American detective tasked with finding a lost book that was written right after the constitution. But as it turns out the book exchanges hands among a very seedy type of people. They use some phrase a lot better then "Pervert Money" but the book is at home right now and I think that kind of sums up the phrase they use. While reading it last night, the detective gained a guide through this world of perversion and it started to remind me of 8MM. I really hope it is nothing like 8MM in the end because I hate Nic Cage and I like Warren Ellis. Anyways, 10 chapters in and I can already NEVER look at Godzilla the same way. Mr. Ellis' mind is twisted into a beautiful flower of nastyness.
4. I'm at work right now and I hear that this building is haunted. I don't believe in ghosts or anything paranormal or 4d, but I keep hearing keys jingling. So if I turn up missing in a few days or I am found lying soulless in my bed, then this place is haunted and ghosts are real. And Dan will cheer.
5. Tried to watch Wild Hogs this weekend. What a horrible mistake. And they are making a sequel. I hate hollywood.
6. East Coast Video, the local video store (suprise!) has a really cool policy -- they rent movies as soon as they get them. In the DVD rental world most DVDs are sent to the stores at least a week prior to release. This is good for stores like Blockbuster that wants their employees to have seen the movies on release. But this is better for a store like East Coast which just puts them right on the shelves. So when I return home tonight I will have the extended DVD version of Death Proof (1 half of Grindhouse) waiting for me. I'm pretty excited.
7. While waiting on my t-shirt drawing to scan earlier tonight (11x17 @ 1200 dpi..takes a while) I doodled up this little diddy:

Clicking on it will give you a larger view. Instead of scanning in all these doodles and junk I have laying around (I still may, in order to add more meat to my posts) I decided to combine some of the characters/things that I've doodled. So this is a small grouping like that. The man is unnamed. I've lately found myself drawing these "T" Headed people. Dunno why, but I'll scan them in soon so that they can act as a group. The floating octopi thing is also unnamed. Not seen here are his neat 3-lens glasses. I call him squid squid but that's not really clever enough. On the ground there is Pizza Dog. He's a slice of pizza that has dog like qualities.
This image may be colored and will probably have some suctioncup thingies on the tentacles too. My scan was done so therefore my drawing was done.
That's all. Time to brave the ghost filled halls.
2. Speaking of memory: I was reading that the human brain can't actually forget anything. If this is actually true then I am very interested. I really need some sort of way to re-tap into my memory and make it useful again. Was reading on the wikipedia for "Chewing Gum" (don't ask) today that memory is stronger in gum chewers. I need to re-take up this habit I guess. Sugar free tho', not the cat pee kind. Unless that's sugar free. Have you had the mint mohito gum? It's pretty tasty.
3. I'm about 10 chapters into "Crooked Little Vein" by Warren Ellis. So far it's really good. It's about this American detective tasked with finding a lost book that was written right after the constitution. But as it turns out the book exchanges hands among a very seedy type of people. They use some phrase a lot better then "Pervert Money" but the book is at home right now and I think that kind of sums up the phrase they use. While reading it last night, the detective gained a guide through this world of perversion and it started to remind me of 8MM. I really hope it is nothing like 8MM in the end because I hate Nic Cage and I like Warren Ellis. Anyways, 10 chapters in and I can already NEVER look at Godzilla the same way. Mr. Ellis' mind is twisted into a beautiful flower of nastyness.
4. I'm at work right now and I hear that this building is haunted. I don't believe in ghosts or anything paranormal or 4d, but I keep hearing keys jingling. So if I turn up missing in a few days or I am found lying soulless in my bed, then this place is haunted and ghosts are real. And Dan will cheer.
5. Tried to watch Wild Hogs this weekend. What a horrible mistake. And they are making a sequel. I hate hollywood.
6. East Coast Video, the local video store (suprise!) has a really cool policy -- they rent movies as soon as they get them. In the DVD rental world most DVDs are sent to the stores at least a week prior to release. This is good for stores like Blockbuster that wants their employees to have seen the movies on release. But this is better for a store like East Coast which just puts them right on the shelves. So when I return home tonight I will have the extended DVD version of Death Proof (1 half of Grindhouse) waiting for me. I'm pretty excited.
7. While waiting on my t-shirt drawing to scan earlier tonight (11x17 @ 1200 dpi..takes a while) I doodled up this little diddy:

Clicking on it will give you a larger view. Instead of scanning in all these doodles and junk I have laying around (I still may, in order to add more meat to my posts) I decided to combine some of the characters/things that I've doodled. So this is a small grouping like that. The man is unnamed. I've lately found myself drawing these "T" Headed people. Dunno why, but I'll scan them in soon so that they can act as a group. The floating octopi thing is also unnamed. Not seen here are his neat 3-lens glasses. I call him squid squid but that's not really clever enough. On the ground there is Pizza Dog. He's a slice of pizza that has dog like qualities.
This image may be colored and will probably have some suctioncup thingies on the tentacles too. My scan was done so therefore my drawing was done.
That's all. Time to brave the ghost filled halls.
9/10/2007 09:59:00 PM | Filed Under | 1 Comments
Only Munty.
Last week: Heroes Season 1.
Yesterday: The Office Season 3; 30 Rock Season 1; Black Donnelly's Complete Series.
Next week: Upright Citizens Brigade Season 2.
It's really hard sometimes to like things and want to support them by giving them your hard earned cash. I do this for pretty much all my favorite comic authors/artists, most of my favorite shows, Nintendo and none of my favorite bands other then Ween. I've only recently consider buying movies that I like. I'm afraid of the format war and being stuck with a bunch of DVDs that will be stashed away with my VHS collection. Of the 5 seasons above, I would probably not buy Heroes and Black Donnellys. I liked Heroes, but it's not as good as LOST and I only just recently bit the bullet and bought that. Black Donnellys was really good while it was on the air, but when it went to internet only I stopped watching. And since the show was only a season I'm afraid they didn't get to tell the whole story they wanted to tell. If buying the DVD would get it back on the air, I would consider that but otherwise I'll save my $50 ($30 on amazon).
Pretty excited about UCB Season 2. I thought for sure that would never make it to the public. I'd also love to rewatch 30 rock and Office. Anyways.
I think I will start Crooked Little Vein tonight. I think it should read a lot faster then Perfume since there will hopefully be 100% less french in it. Sacre Blue.
I forgot what I was going to write about.
Oh well.
Yesterday: The Office Season 3; 30 Rock Season 1; Black Donnelly's Complete Series.
Next week: Upright Citizens Brigade Season 2.
It's really hard sometimes to like things and want to support them by giving them your hard earned cash. I do this for pretty much all my favorite comic authors/artists, most of my favorite shows, Nintendo and none of my favorite bands other then Ween. I've only recently consider buying movies that I like. I'm afraid of the format war and being stuck with a bunch of DVDs that will be stashed away with my VHS collection. Of the 5 seasons above, I would probably not buy Heroes and Black Donnellys. I liked Heroes, but it's not as good as LOST and I only just recently bit the bullet and bought that. Black Donnellys was really good while it was on the air, but when it went to internet only I stopped watching. And since the show was only a season I'm afraid they didn't get to tell the whole story they wanted to tell. If buying the DVD would get it back on the air, I would consider that but otherwise I'll save my $50 ($30 on amazon).
Pretty excited about UCB Season 2. I thought for sure that would never make it to the public. I'd also love to rewatch 30 rock and Office. Anyways.
I think I will start Crooked Little Vein tonight. I think it should read a lot faster then Perfume since there will hopefully be 100% less french in it. Sacre Blue.
I forgot what I was going to write about.
Oh well.
9/05/2007 10:25:00 PM | Filed Under | 2 Comments
shooting star / the weak end
Just in from NYC so I'll need to blog before I forget everything.
1. Battles. I have seen most of my all time favorite bands live. And some other bands that I liked and their live show blew me away. This Battles show was better then anything I have ever seen. It made bands that I think shred look like sissies. Completely amazing.
2. Saw Superbad again while in NYC. Still hilarious. I'd like to see it again.
3. All my goals for NYC were accomplished. I had a really fun time. Rode around the subway more times then I'd like to remember. Drank a lot. Ate quite a bit. Met up with my "sister" Leah, Clay and Kymia all at seperate times and all pretty fun. Met a couple new people who were also very cool. It's too bad I love NC or else I may consider moving there. Probably never happen tho.
3. Finished Perfume on the plane today. The last page was completed a mere second before we were getting off the plane. This book was really really great. It had the perfect ending in relation to the character and his mindset. They did more things with stink then you'd think. Totally recommended.
4. On my flight home today, this italian guy next to me (with a Luis Vuitton bag...) did a father/son/holyghost cross while we were landing. He had so little faith in flying that he had to involve faith in his flying. While typing that, I accidently typed flaying. I think that would be an interesting means of travel.
5. Finished Invincible Volume 8 the night before I left. This series is great. Now I can catch up on the current issues and be set. Next on the platter: Transmetropolitan volumes 3 & 4. Looking forward to those. Thanks 20% off at comic shop coupon!
6. I'm sure someone has made computer "emote" versions of the I love NY shirt (ie. I <3 NY) and if they didn't, they should. But they should also make I H8 NY shirts. I'd wear one.
7. An idea for a character I had (Martian Luther King, an alien that can cause you to dream) has slowly evolved into what I think would be a cool t-shirt. Afraid of the "RACIST!" comments, clay and katie really helped round out and smooth the idea while in NYC. I have a lot of notes and I hope to get working on images soon. The flight & drive home gave me about 8 more drawings ideas to work on so I will hopefully stay busy.
Time to eat some dinna.
1. Battles. I have seen most of my all time favorite bands live. And some other bands that I liked and their live show blew me away. This Battles show was better then anything I have ever seen. It made bands that I think shred look like sissies. Completely amazing.
2. Saw Superbad again while in NYC. Still hilarious. I'd like to see it again.
3. All my goals for NYC were accomplished. I had a really fun time. Rode around the subway more times then I'd like to remember. Drank a lot. Ate quite a bit. Met up with my "sister" Leah, Clay and Kymia all at seperate times and all pretty fun. Met a couple new people who were also very cool. It's too bad I love NC or else I may consider moving there. Probably never happen tho.
3. Finished Perfume on the plane today. The last page was completed a mere second before we were getting off the plane. This book was really really great. It had the perfect ending in relation to the character and his mindset. They did more things with stink then you'd think. Totally recommended.
4. On my flight home today, this italian guy next to me (with a Luis Vuitton bag...) did a father/son/holyghost cross while we were landing. He had so little faith in flying that he had to involve faith in his flying. While typing that, I accidently typed flaying. I think that would be an interesting means of travel.
5. Finished Invincible Volume 8 the night before I left. This series is great. Now I can catch up on the current issues and be set. Next on the platter: Transmetropolitan volumes 3 & 4. Looking forward to those. Thanks 20% off at comic shop coupon!
6. I'm sure someone has made computer "emote" versions of the I love NY shirt (ie. I <3 NY) and if they didn't, they should. But they should also make I H8 NY shirts. I'd wear one.
7. An idea for a character I had (Martian Luther King, an alien that can cause you to dream) has slowly evolved into what I think would be a cool t-shirt. Afraid of the "RACIST!" comments, clay and katie really helped round out and smooth the idea while in NYC. I have a lot of notes and I hope to get working on images soon. The flight & drive home gave me about 8 more drawings ideas to work on so I will hopefully stay busy.
Time to eat some dinna.
9/04/2007 08:10:00 PM | Filed Under | 2 Comments