Pizza Dog

1. Just finished a drawing for a down/dirty/quick/simple heat transfer t for a friend. It's for their birthday and if I have forgotten yours and/or not pulled together a gift yet then I'm really sorry. I'll come up with something. I had a bad August when it came to memory. Anyways, I'll post the drawing next week. It's kinda nice I think.

2. Speaking of memory: I was reading that the human brain can't actually forget anything. If this is actually true then I am very interested. I really need some sort of way to re-tap into my memory and make it useful again. Was reading on the wikipedia for "Chewing Gum" (don't ask) today that memory is stronger in gum chewers. I need to re-take up this habit I guess. Sugar free tho', not the cat pee kind. Unless that's sugar free. Have you had the mint mohito gum? It's pretty tasty.

3. I'm about 10 chapters into "Crooked Little Vein" by Warren Ellis. So far it's really good. It's about this American detective tasked with finding a lost book that was written right after the constitution. But as it turns out the book exchanges hands among a very seedy type of people. They use some phrase a lot better then "Pervert Money" but the book is at home right now and I think that kind of sums up the phrase they use. While reading it last night, the detective gained a guide through this world of perversion and it started to remind me of 8MM. I really hope it is nothing like 8MM in the end because I hate Nic Cage and I like Warren Ellis. Anyways, 10 chapters in and I can already NEVER look at Godzilla the same way. Mr. Ellis' mind is twisted into a beautiful flower of nastyness.

4. I'm at work right now and I hear that this building is haunted. I don't believe in ghosts or anything paranormal or 4d, but I keep hearing keys jingling. So if I turn up missing in a few days or I am found lying soulless in my bed, then this place is haunted and ghosts are real. And Dan will cheer.

5. Tried to watch Wild Hogs this weekend. What a horrible mistake. And they are making a sequel. I hate hollywood.

6. East Coast Video, the local video store (suprise!) has a really cool policy -- they rent movies as soon as they get them. In the DVD rental world most DVDs are sent to the stores at least a week prior to release. This is good for stores like Blockbuster that wants their employees to have seen the movies on release. But this is better for a store like East Coast which just puts them right on the shelves. So when I return home tonight I will have the extended DVD version of Death Proof (1 half of Grindhouse) waiting for me. I'm pretty excited.

7. While waiting on my t-shirt drawing to scan earlier tonight (11x17 @ 1200 dpi..takes a while) I doodled up this little diddy:

Clicking on it will give you a larger view. Instead of scanning in all these doodles and junk I have laying around (I still may, in order to add more meat to my posts) I decided to combine some of the characters/things that I've doodled. So this is a small grouping like that. The man is unnamed. I've lately found myself drawing these "T" Headed people. Dunno why, but I'll scan them in soon so that they can act as a group. The floating octopi thing is also unnamed. Not seen here are his neat 3-lens glasses. I call him squid squid but that's not really clever enough. On the ground there is Pizza Dog. He's a slice of pizza that has dog like qualities.

This image may be colored and will probably have some suctioncup thingies on the tentacles too. My scan was done so therefore my drawing was done.

That's all. Time to brave the ghost filled halls.
