Steam, punk.

Nothing all that great or interesting happened last week. On Wednesday I had said something at work that I thought would make a good post. Maybe it wouldn't have, but I guess I'll save it for one day this week when there is a lull. I have atleast 3 days worth of junk at the moment, so this should be back to the full weeks of boring dretch.

Speaking of dretch -- I picked up 30 Rock season 1 on DVD the other day. Tina Fey could probably write about garbagemen and make it funny. (Rachel Dratch = Dretch. It's a stretch. Like her...acting?)

1. Excited tonight to find out that my old buddy and almost same-birthday'd red headed pal Bret has moved to Raleigh. That's exciting. That's why I was excited.

2. Finished Bioshock over the weekend. I saved all of the little sisters (instead of harvesting their bellies for tasty Adam) so the ending was an upbeat one. I'm interested to find out what happens if you do end all of their little lives.

3. Borrowed skate. for a day from Hani. More fun then the demo. And the demo was a lot of fun. I uploaded a bunch of videos to the skate website, but I'm having trouble seeing them online. They probably arn't as cool as I remember them being when I made them. I like this game and I still may pick it up (buy at Target this week and get a $10 gift card. Nice.) but at the moment it was overwhelming the amount of stuff you could do. I also feel like a Nintendo traitor for not having Metroid Prime 3 yet. I almost bought it today, but I want to go ahead and replay Prime 1 & 2 before hand. This is probably not necessary, but I still wanna.

4. Re-finished Half-Life 2 today and finally started HL2: Episode 1. Getting prepped for The Orange Box. Half-Life 2 is pretty much the best FPS I have ever played. It brought Havok Physics into everyone's lives and that's been a great addition to most games that used it. Also, I think you can tell great level design when you feel like you are exploring off the beaten path and it's actually the way the developers wanted you to go. They don't force feed you where you need to go next with arrows and things - they trust that you are smart and curious enough to look around and try things and think: maybe I can jump over here. It's very intuitive and you feel really smart when you do what they wanted you to do.

5. Finished Crooked Little Vein when I woke up this morning. A very disturbing but interesting read. I hope that the Mike McGill character has further adventures. He could be like the new Cal McDonald.

6. While talking to Bret this evening, I came up with this joke. I ran it by Brantley and he laughed, so I think that it's a keeper. This is Joke #1 in my stand-up routine that I am too shy to ever do -- If you are eating at an Indian Resturant and you call ahead to get a table, did you make an Indian Reservation? Badump-pishh.

That's all for now. Leave some stuff for the rest of the days.
