Blades of Boring

That's a good pun, right?

1. Just finished watching Blades of Glory so I won't even have time to think this one through: (Doing my best Adrian impression) Not Impressed. Will Arnett had some funny lines and looked awesome as Kennedy (esp. when he limbos during the chase scene) but even his greatness couldn't clear the stench of Jon Heder. Too bad for this movie.

2. Bioshock a second time through: I like it a bit more now. Hacked some bots, found some other areas I missed, etc. May pick this one up.

3. Hexic 2 on xblive. Why is the game board zoomed out so much. I know there isn't much to see in a puzzle game of hexagons from the creator of Tetris, but come on. I loved Hexic HD and I had high hopes for this one. Maybe it's just the demo's fault.

4. Picross DS. This is the reason to own a DS. Nintendo finally comes to their senses and releases a Picross game in the US of A. We haven't had one since Mario's Picross on the regular brick-sized gameboy. I love Picross and some of these puzzles are the devil. It's great. Makes me want to finish up my PFS Picross puzzles I was making. I have 2 in the bag. The puzzle bag.

5. Speaking of PFS... I think it's over. I have no real desire to spend half of my week pumping out a sub-par comic strip. I'd rather take time and make something more long form. I will start on that and it will be better then the 3 weeks of junk I rushed out the door.

6. Started gathering reference for the first piece in the Lorna Wang/Me collab. This one isn't part of the bigger series but I still want to have her hands and brushes in painting over it. I think that if it turns out how I picture it in my head then I would like to get the others done quickly and try and get some freelance work in this style. I love to draw and color isn't my thing whereas it is really her thing. I think that a group of samples of encaustic paintings over top of pen/ink drawings would really stand out in a world full of my heroes.

7. New Harvest Moon out for DS. I know that Dan McRae is jealous of all my farming and cooking games.

8. Good night.
