otn, movies and the end of shows.

1. Back and slightly recovered from "OTN" 07. It was sort of otn and it was sort of not at the same time. No matter tho, as it was still a blast. I think I may have gotten a minor sickness out in the mountains of VA...We'll see.

Images from my camera. 80 loading all at once, so it will be slow.

2. Pre-OTN I caught Stardust in theaters and Benchwarmers on DVD as a joke. Stardust was awesome and Benchwarmers was actually not that bad. Tivo'd Mean Girls off of TV today. Never seen it before but it was also pretty good. The Mathlete/DJ Kid was awesome.

3. John From Cincinnati ended last night. I'm not really sure what I thought of the season. I can't tell if there will be a second season, so this may be the entire message of John in 10 episodes. There was a lot of cool imagery and interesting phrases turned, but they weren't clarified all that well. I like to read into things as much as the next person, but the resolution to all of this stuff was just kinda regular. Maybe on a second watching it'll be better. Who knows.

4. Bioshock Demo came out last night for Xbox360. It's a gorgeous game and really creepy/scary/spooky but there was something a little off about it for me. I think the character may have been a little too sluggish. I think I'll like it better on the PC due to mouse and keyboard being far superior to anything thus far (metroid for wii may break this rule -- metroid for DS dented it).

That's it.
