
nothing much to blog about.

Went to the pamlico river last weekend. That was a fun trip. Going to NYC this weekend. I hope that's fun. We'll see.

Finished Invincible volume 7 yesterday. I can now see why this comic is so loved. It's getting more awesome with each new storyline that is introduced. Same with Transmetropolitan volume 2. Really cool stuff in there.

I have eaten at the "new" (re-vamped and twice as big...same location) Tokyo 3 times in like 7 days. I think it's starting to hit me. Blech.

I don't really remember what else I was going to type. Been pretty much just working and sleeping, neither of which have resulted in anything interesting.

I think today I may have realized that my glasses are a bit huge for my face. I bet they've been that way for a long time.

Not feeling to hot right now. Gonna go ahead and end this before it gets any more boring.
